Horse boarding - Foaling


1.5 hours from Paris - In Perche, Orne, equestrian breeding ground

  • 52 ha
  • 50 boxes 4 X 4, 4 X 3m
  • Indoor arena 40 x 20m
  • Outdoor arena 60 x 20m
  • 6 horse, covered horsewalker
  • Paddocks
  • Stabling paddocks
  • Ultrasound room (3 bars)
  • Room : harvesting semen stallions 
  • Saddlery


The horses are given boxes with straw or shavings.
Daily turnouts to the paddocks or the horsewalker.
Also available: box + wooden fenced pasture.

Foaling Surveillance: 
Belts + video cameras
Nutrition: Traditional feed + pelleted feed + mineral and vitamin supplements + foraging

Additional Costs: Veterinarian fees (ultrasounds and others), gynecological fees, artificial insemination, shoeing...


Rates / mare boarding… retired or resting horses

  • Mare, Stall Boarding (Pasture or Pasture / Stall): 16 €HT + tax / day 
  • Foaling: 500 €HT + tax + Stall Boarding
  • Mare with Foal at Foot (Pasture + Stall): 16 €HT + tax / day 
  • Retired or resting horses (Pasture): 16 €HT / day 
  • Foal–Yearling (Pasture): 12 €HT / day or/and stall : 16 €HT / day
  • Yearling–2 year-old (Pasture): 16 €HT / day
  • 3 year-old and + (Pasture or Pasture / Stall) : 16 €HT / day 

(+ Tax: TVA 5.50 % (value-added tax))